Senko C-20 (25kW)

C-20 cookers are small and very adjustable for instalment in small rooms or small objects, holiday houses and all other rooms where there’s no need for baking ovens yet there should be a cooking possibility.

This product is shipped from Europe. Send us an enquiry so we can provide a price quote and estimated delivery time.
Senko product catalogue
Instruction for Senko C-20


Nominal heat output 15,8 – 25 kW
- boiler 5,8 – 20 kW
- room 10 – 5 kW
Amount of water in boiler 20 L
Weight 160 kg
Cooking plate (WxD) 457 x 437 mm
Flue gases exhaust Ø 130 mm
Primary air intake Ø 120 mm
Required flue draught 13 Pa
Efficiency 84,7 %
Air regulation - primary auto
Air regulation - secundary manual
Boiler protection prepared for boiler overheating thermal protection
Firebox grate – movable mechanism
Firebox door fireproof glass
Color INOX MAT, PC-2, PC-3, PC-7
Energy efficiency class A